Thursday, May 27, 2010

The eternal struggle to overcome our own limitations ( Human Revolution ) -- the only way forward

Do you give up the struggle to overcome your own limitations on the first attempt, or do you keep on with it, trying a second time, a third time, and continuing on in the challenge for the rest of your life?  That is the only difference between the genius and the ordinary person.  When all is said and done, winning over oneself -- personal triumph -- is the only way forward.

向着超越自己的极限挑战,一次就罢休,还是两次、三次、一生接续不断地继续下去呢? 这大概就是天才和凡人的分别之处。 最终,除了“战胜自己”之外,就没有其他办法能够开拓出道路了。