Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fwd: "Cultivating the Greater Self," and other news

From: "Ikeda Center for Peace, Learning & Dialogue" <info@ikedacenter.org>
Date: 29 November, 2011 21:16:37 GMT+08:00
To: changchengliang@gmail.com
Subject: "Cultivating the Greater Self," and other news
Reply-To: info@ikedacenter.org

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In This Issue
8th Ikeda Forum
Soft Power Seminar
Core Convictions

November 2011

The Ikeda Center e-newsletter is designed to keep you up to date with our activities in support of peace, learning, and dialogue.  

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"Cultivating the Greater Self" 

A report from the 8th Annual Ikeda Forum for Intercultural Dialogue         


Ikeda Forum questionerHow can we best understand the Buddhist concept of the "greater self" in our culturally-diverse world? How can we encourage its emergence in situations large and small?

On October 22, 2011, four speakers and nearly 100 attendees gathered at the Ikeda Center in Cambridge to discuss these and other questions during the 8th Annual Ikeda Forum for Intercultural Dialogue.
During the morning session, Virginia Benson of the Ikeda Center considered the importance of dialogue with others and Ann Diller of the University of New Hampshire outlined the challenge of dialogue within oneself. In the afternoon, Bernice Lerner of Hebrew College looked at how our attitudes affect the emergence of the greater self and Lou Marinoff of The City College of New York expounded on why an accurate view of life is essential to this emergence.

Soft Power & Globalization      

Seminar brings Langley and Yalman into discussion with Boston-area university students   


Seminar 9-29 


On September 26, 1991, Daisaku Ikeda delivered an address called "The Age of Soft Power" at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. Nearly twenty years to the day later (September 29), Nur Yalman (left) of Harvard University and Winston Langley (right) of UMass Boston came to the Center to discuss with fourteen Boston-area university students the relevance of Ikeda's vision in the rapidly globalizing world of 2011.  


The professors emphasized that Ikeda's vision of soft power is primarily educational and spiritual in nature, seeking to spark the inner transformation of individuals. In their view, when we activate what Ikeda calls our "inner resources of energy and wisdom" we are better able to steer economic and technological globalization in positive directions. 


>> Read about the seminar here!         


Our 7 Core Convictions      

New feature helps define the Ikeda Center's work         


Over the summer Ikeda Center staff engaged in a process of identifying the core convictions that inform our work. In our view, these are the convictions that, if widely accepted and acted on, will lead to a significantly more peaceful, harmonious, and flourishing world in the decades to come.   


Seven in all, the convictions cover themes relating to dialogue, humanistic education, human potential, human dignity and the sanctity of life, inner and outer transformation, poetry and imagination, and interdependence.  If you go to our website you can read brief essays about each conviction as well as supporting quotes from the writings of Daisaku Ikeda.


>> Learn more about the Ikeda Center's core convictions!  






Contact Information
Ikeda Center for Peace, Learning, and Dialogue
 396 Harvard Street * Cambridge, MA 02138

phone 617-491-1090 * www.ikedacenter.org

This email was sent to changchengliang@gmail.com by info@ikedacenter.org |  
Ikeda Center for Peace, Learning, and Dialogue | 396 Harvard Street | Cambridge | MA | 02138

Develop yourself for the happiness of yourself and your loved ones

Forge a solid self and develop within you the power to attract happiness to your life.  Then you yourself will be happy and fulfilled, and you will be able to lead your family, your relatives and your friends to happiness, too.

Integrity, Perseverance and Hope -- make one invincible

The real world is harsh.  The number of envious, prejudiced, cold-hearted and selfish people will no doubt increase.  In society, you may encounter people you do not like and you may well have to work under bosses you find hard to get along with.  That is why the three qualities of integrity, perseverance and hope are so important.  No one is a match for the person who possesses these qualities.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Overcoming hardships make life interesting

Climbing over mountains and making our way through valleys is what makes hiking interesting.  The walking may be challenging, but it allows us to experience wonderful vistas and arrive, in the end, at our destination.  Simply flying to the spot in a plane would be boring.  The same is true of life.

Human revolution means transforming our lives from unhappiness to happiness

Where can we find the key for turning our lives in a positive direction?  Absolutely vital in this question is the philosophy of human revolution.  Human revolution offers the only certain path to happiness and victory in life.  Human revolution means transforming our lives from unhappiness to happiness.


"Human Revolution", a process of inner transformation through Buddhist practice. SGI members believe that it is a process that leads them to develop their character and to act not only for personal fulfillment, but also for the betterment of society. They believe that happiness is being able to experience the profound joy that comes from winning over any problem in life.

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/soka-gakkai-international#ixzz1e7QXm3Bf

True significance of learning -- to contribute to society and humanity

Please do not spend your youth avoiding hardship and taking the path of least resistance.  Please seek out difficult challenges and work hard.  And if you are going to take on hardships, let it be for the sake of high ideal.  Do not stay closed up in your own tiny shell, pursue your studies with the high ideals of helping your friends and contributing to society and humanity.  This is where the true significance of the pursuit of learning lies.

年青的时候不要逃避辛苦,也不要贪图安逸。你们要主动尝受辛劳。反正是辛劳,那就为了 “伟大的理想” 而辛劳吧。不要躲在自己的小世界里,希望能够持着 “为朋友”、 “为社会” 和 “为人类” 的崇高理想来努力学习。学问的真正意义就在这里。

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Overcoming hardships to grow as human beings

If everything is smooth sailing right from the beginning , we cannot become people of substance and character. By surmounting painful setbacks and obstacles, we can create a brilliant history of triumph that will shine forever. That is what makes life so exciting and enjoyable. In any field of endeavour, those who overcome hardships and grow as human beings are advancing towards success and victory in life.
